Sri Lankan School:
When travelling in Sri Lanka recently, we heard about a fellow British tourist going into a school to speak English with the students. Thinking this was a great idea, we contacted a school local to our retreat venue to volunteer our time. We asked if anyone on the retreat was interested in joining us… and 12 people threw their hands up!
We weren’t sure what to expect on arrival at the school… but we were welcomed like rock stars by the children (who couldn’t have been more excited), and we all had a fantastic experience meeting 4 classes of 8 to 12 year-olds. Emma took the lead in instigating some ice-breaking introductions, fun games, and light hearted competitions where we handed out various small stationery prizes (kindly donated by our retreat attendees) – much to the delight of the recipients. It was a truly awesome experience and one that we intend to repeat whenever possible on future retreats and travels.
When you next go travelling, maybe you could enquire if there are schools or institutions nearby that would benefit from your help or involvement.
The Exotic Pet Refuge:
Emma and Andy volunteer at the EPR - a small charity in Lincolnshire who rescue and rehabilitate exotic animals from all over the UK. The EPR is a sanctuary to over 300 animals. With an annual cost of over £85,000, rely heavily on the pension of the founder who has run the refuge for over 40 years, subsidised heavily by donations, supplies and the efforts of volunteers.
Emma and Andy can vouch (first hand) that this is a truly worthy cause. If you want to get involved in any way, you can volunteer your time, donate money or supplies, visit us on an open day or even adopt an animal. Every little bit helps!